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Ni Hao, Kai-Lan! Part 1: Shanghai

Writer's picture: Christy JoyChristy Joy

So, Ricky and I went to China last year in February. We posted a few images on Facebook and Instagram, but like, never really went into full detail of our trip. So I guess I can talk about it here.

We flew out of LAX via China Air. Don't fly China Air. If you use your phone for music, reading, playing games, etc: DONT . FLY . CHINA . AIR .

They don't allow you to use your phone, which sucked because I put ALL of my books on my phone to read, and they don't allow you to use it. Or charge it. They will physically watch you shut down your phone to make sure it's off. Safe to say, I was quite bored on that plane ride. I already watched all the movies I wanted to watch on that 14-hour flight, and then just tried to sleep the rest of the time. BORED OUT OF MY MIND.


We spent 16 days in China, with a majority of it in Shanghai visiting some of Ricky's family. I haven't met his Dad's side of the family so it was really nice to finally meet his Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles on that side.

We basically ate. A lot. We both have been to Shanghai separately - him to visit family, and me years prior for work, so we've already pretty much explored what needed to be seen in Shanghai.

We did go out to explore the 2nd or 3rd tallest building in the world. That was cool. And we went to this Water Town where they had all these little canals to ride around in on a boat and I ate the tiniest shrimp ever. Like Cup-O-Noodle shrimp small. Hahaha.

Also, I added a couple side stories of mishaps that befell upon me while there. Scroll to the bottom to read about those.

Water Town:
Zhou Zhang Water Village Entrance in China
Zhou Zhang Water Village Entrance in China

Old Scooter in Alleyway in Zhou Zhang Water Village, China
Old Scooter in Alleyway

Temple in Zhou Zhang Water Village, China
Temple in Zhou Zhang Water Village

Temple in Zhou Zhang Water Village, China
Hallway outside of Temple in Zhou Zhang Water Village

Handmade Clay Pots in Zhou Zhang Water Village, China
Handmade Clay Pots near Temple

Offerings on Door in Zhou Zhang Water Village, China
Offerings on Door

Hand Carving Wooden Combs in Zhou Zhang Water Village, China
Watching a man hand-carve these wooden combs

Canals for Transportation in Zhou Zhang Water Village, China
Canals are used for transportation around the village

Traveling by Canals and Boats in front of Shops and Restaurants in Zhou Zhang Water Village, China
Traveling by Boat in the Canals in front of Shops and Restaurants

Traveling by boat through the canals in Zhou Zhang Water Village, China
Traveling by boat through the canals

Boat Dock along the Canals in Zhou Zhang Water Village, China
Boat Dock along the Canals

Intricate Doors in Zhou Zhang Water Village, China
I love intricate doors

Shopping along the Canals in Zhou Zhang Water Village, China
Shopping along the Canals

Homes along the Canals in Zhou Zhang Water Village, China
Homes along the canals

An alleyway while walking through Zhou Zhang Water Village, China
Fascinated by alleyways while walking through Water Town

Random Shanghai Sights:

View of The Bund and The Pearl in Shanghai, China
The Bund and Pearl

Shanghai Tower: The 2nd Tallest Building In the World
2nd Tallest Building in the World: The Shanghai Tower

Typical "Dryer" in China: Hangers, and a Balcony
Airing out

Buildings along The Bund in Shanghai, China
Buildings along The Bund

Night Sights in Shanghai, China

Little Old Town Shop in Shanghai, China filled with Totoro
Little Old Town Shop in Shanghai, China filled with Totoro

Fan Shopping in Old Town in Shanghai, China

Alleyway in Old Town in Shanghai, China
Again, Alleyways are Pretty

Funny / Embarrassing Stories:
  1. In China, or actually in a majority of Asian Countries, there are 2 types of toilets: 1) "Western" toilets which everyone here is more accustomed to, and 2) "Squat" toilets. Squat toilets are just that, you squat down to do your business in a hole or floor toilet. While we were in Water Town, I went to use the restroom prior to eating. Ricky accompanied me because we're married and we have no boundaries. Anyhow, he went to wash his hands, while I went to go pee in this squat toilet. It was late winter / early spring when we went so I had a thick jacket on. As I lifted my jacket to squat, I heard a clunk. Ricky looked at me, as this was a 1 room bathroom, he yelled. I looked at him and wondered why and looked down, and what do I see? My phone, in the squat toilet. If you click that link by "2)" you'll see the toilet I dropped it in. Thankfully it was CLEAN (well, as clean as you can get with a squat toilet), and I had just purchased the new iPhone 7, which is water resistant. So I grabbed my phone, ran to the sink, threw that under the water and grabbed all the soap and washed the shit (hoping not literally) off of my phone. After I finally did my business, I came out of there, found some anti bacterial and rubbed that allover my phone, let it air dry, then wiped it all clean again. You have no idea how horrified I was. I've seen some DIRTY squat toilets, so you can imagine all the things running through my brain as this happened. Lesson learned. Put your phone in a safe spot, or zip up your pockets.

  2. I forget that coffee on an empty stomach hurts my stomach. I didn't have "coffee," it was a frappe, from Starbucks, because I needed that extra caffeine boost since jet lag was killing me. However, we were meeting up with Ricky's grandparents for lunch, and all I had in my stomach was that frappe, and a little bit of a muffin. By the time I got to their apartment, my stomach hurt SO BAD, I collapsed on the ground in pain and couldn't walk. His grandma freaked out, wanting to call an ambulance. I don't even want to think how stupid I felt afterwards causing her that drama on my 2nd time meeting her. UGH. Lesson learned. Don't drink coffee on an empty stomach for me. Thankfully after munching on a couple biscuits and eating some tums, I was fine. But still. So dumb.

  3. After that coffee incident, we went to grab some Shanghainese food at this restaurant. FYI, in Shanghai, they LOVE themselves a private room with a lazy susan. Anyways, they ordered all this food, and this lobster came out displayed on this platter. It was some type of Lobster Sashimi - I didn't know you could eat lobster raw?! Anyhow, I grabbed a tiny piece to try, and looked at the lobster, and realized it was still moving. The lobster's tentacles were moving. I went wide eyed, dropped the piece from my mouth out, and started crying. Yep. Crying. In front of his grandparents, his aunt, uncle, and dad. And not like a gentle tear, no, i went full on ugly cry. The waiters had to take it away and they used the meat and shell to make a soup instead, which I ate a little of because I didn't want it's life to be in vain, and go wasted since it already died... But I cried the entire time while eating it. I really should be a vegetarian.

I'm sure his family thinks I'm crazy. Thankfully, since I know a little Mandarin, they were quite impressed - so it makes up for all my craziness.

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