Two Windows, and 4 walls...
This part of the build was scary in the fact that I physically put those 4 walls up by myself, and the thought of me cutting a gaping hole out of it sounded nauseating. Why would I do that?! Harm my precious shed by adding a window, that I so desperately needed because of the lack of light inside. So, I gathered the strength, both physically and mentally and did it. I still cringe that I had to cut a hole in the shed.
I scoured the interwebs to try and find a decently priced window. I just needed a small one, nothing super fancy or anything, but everything I came across was over $100 and felt that was just too expensive. So then I searched Fb Marketplace, and Offerup, but didn't find wnat I was looking for. Then, one day, as I was driving through on La Brea avenue in LA, I saw Habitat for Humanity Restore and decided to check it out. They had such a wide selection of so many windows. As I walked along that aisle, I came across a small, perfectly, sized $40.00 one. Ka-ching, bought. Anyhow,
I won't bore you with all the novel details.
Head on over to my youtube to checkout the video: -